Arabian Essence has long had a policy of limiting the daily number of mail blasts to 3 per day, in order to avoid overwhelming our followers. Receiving daily 5, 6 or even more mail blasts leads to the risk of people becoming weary and unsubscribing or canceling mails directly without even opening them. (The limitation of 3 mail blasts per day is understood only for the advertising and promotion mail blasts not for the mail blasts about the shows timing or webtv or all informative newsletters.)
Our e-mail are sent to all recipients of our contact list consisting of approximately 28,000 SELECTED addresses (the most important breeders, owners, international judges, trainers and specialists in the Arabian breed) worldwide (USA, South America, Australia, New Zeland, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Africa and also India, China and Japan, these last 3 are countries that just start in the last few years to envolve on Arabian Horses Market). Rather than promise an inaccurate distribution number which is much higher but includes duplicates and addresses of people who are not actively involved with Arabian horse, we are proud of our carefully selected number of 28,000 addresses featuring highly qualified recipients and no duplications.
Our mailblast will be sent to all our mailing list, published on Arabian Essence UNIVERSAL NEWS section and published on our Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter.