On each canvas, Karina Peacemaker works to capture the special beauty and charisma of the Arabian horse. With her artwork she creates a window into the small moments that move all horse lovers: a look, a toss of the head or a flick of the ear. Showing the personality and athletic energy of the Arabian horse is her goal.
Karina grew up on her family's horse farm, PCF Arabians, so it was only natural that she become passionate about horses. She still enjoys an active role in the management of the farm. Her particular passion is for the broodmares and foals and each foaling season she can be found close by to help with the births. Her daily interaction with Arabians can be seen reflected in her works, with her attention to detail and accuracy in portraying equine conformation, spirit and musculature.
Official show program artist for the Arabian National Breeder finals. To date, her paintings for the show have raised at auction well over $80,000 prize money for the weanling classes held there.
Official show poster artist for the Scottsdale Arabian & Half-Arabian Horse Show since 2014.
You can follow Karina’s works in progress and day to day studio life on Instagram and Facebook.